Advisory Board Member Georg Ziegler

With Know-How to the Top - Georg Ziegler

Welcome Georg Ziegler to the Elysium® Advisory Board: Tourism Expert Brings Creative Expertise and Fresh Perspectives.

Good news to start the week:

We welcome Georg Ziegler to our Advisory Board.

Georg is a tourism expert par excellence. He originally trained as a professional chef and comes from the hospitality industry. As the former Director of Brand, Content & Tourism, and Marketing & PR at HolidayCheck AG, he is the perfect addition to our team of specialists.

With an outside perspective but within the industry. After a successful workshop, Georg was quickly open to joining our extended team and bringing his expertise. If there's one thing Georg excels at, it's thinking outside the box, asking the right questions, and drawing maximum creativity from teams, all in an incredibly pleasant atmosphere.

→ Therefore, we highly recommend Georg for his creative workshops.

Georg, we look forward to your input and collaboration.